The Pad Project Pledge - Stop the Stigma graphic

Sign The Pad Project’s pledge

to end period poverty!

The Pad Project Pledge - Stop the Stigma facts infographic

I Pledge to:

  • Advocate for menstrual equity and access
  • Advocate for my school or workplace to stock their bathrooms with period products
  • Have open conversations and end period stigma

The Pad Project Pledge - Stop the Stigma I pledge to... graphic





  • Speak up!

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Pledges Signed: 1

Speak Up!

Once you’ve signed the pledge and donated, let us know why
you’re ending period stigma. Leave a public comment to
share with our global community of advocates!

Islaniyat Bello
Thank you
March 14, 2025
Jonathan Mukasa
I will be grateful to hear from you
March 11, 2025
Liseli Tongwa
In Line with IWD 25 Theme: Accelerate Action, i pledge to accelerate action in ending period poverty in my country.
March 11, 2025
Uduakobong Ekong
Great job you are doing, we can partner to do great work in Nigeria. I share pad too for in-school and out-of-school adolescents and young people.
March 10, 2025
shirley stamen
Bless you for the wonderful work and information you bring to so many!!
March 3, 2025
Lilly Plantenga
Every woman of every age across the world deserves knowledge and access to period products.
February 11, 2025
juan camacho
all feminine products should be free to every woman worldwide i pledge to support feminist and the movement
January 14, 2025
Veronica Vela
Women deserve equality in all areas of life. We need to support each other to eradicate discrimination and oppression in each corner of the world. Nature is to be embraced, not to be ashamed of.
December 21, 2024
Muhammad Awais
Woman life freedom
December 3, 2024
Hemrama Jalloh
Every woman deserves access to menstrual products regardless of their financial or marginalized barrier. This is a must.
November 19, 2024
Julia Parete
The cost of managing menses is not equitable. This needs to change now, long overdue
October 24, 2024
Kit Bess
Woman, Life, Freedom
October 8, 2024
Gopabandhu Seva Parisad
We just want to see a society where every adolescent girl should get his rights
August 31, 2024
I want women and girls to not shy away from something so natural. I want to help bring that change as I have two menstruating girls in my house. We talk about periods as easy as if we were talking about our favorite foods. Period conversations should be uplifting, easy, and unashamed.
August 7, 2024
Anvi Pola
I am 14 from Los Angeles, and we have a chapter in our school district. I convinced my junior high asst. principal to supply period products in the bathrooms, and I want to do more. It ain't an easy issue to deal with, so let's strive to make periods normal for everyone!
July 28, 2024
i run a non profit Moms helping hands and we help young woman with sanitary towels and toiletry packs we based in cape town south africa
July 14, 2024
I am 21 from Illinois. I am currently studying to become a nurse. I want to empower and educate as many women as possible. Women have the right to affordable and accessible healthcare, I want to do as much as I possibly can to make that a universal fact.
July 5, 2024
I am 11 years old and I live in Honolulu Hawaii. I know girls who have their period's and are very shy and ashamed about it. We should be confident in ourselves and have what our bodies need 😘
July 3, 2024
I am Bernadette from Nairobi Kenya. The reason I support the initiative to end period stigma is because I would like all girls and women to take pride in their feminity and not feel embarrassed by their periods which is a biological phenomenon that is not under their control.
June 12, 2024
Hi, I am a 12 year old girl from New York City, and my friend Eloise and I love this cause just because it is so universal across women and we want to do anything to help. We are doing a bake sale this summer and would love some help or guidance on how to help the cause.
May 28, 2024
It has been a challenge in us girls .I appreciate for making it accessible and convenient in both rural and urban areas
May 23, 2024
Siboney Vallejo
Me encantó aver elegido mirar el documental Period. End of Sentence. Y ahora ser parte de esta comunidad y comprometerme para dejar atrás los estigmas sobre la menstruación.
April 28, 2024
Siboney Vallejo
Me encantó aver elegido mirar el documental Period. End of Sentence. Y ahora ser parte de esta comunidad y comprometerme para dejar atrás los estigmas sobre la menstruación.
April 28, 2024
Nirbedaa Sinha Roy
I'm glad to have come across the documentary film called 'Period. End of Sentence', and even more glad to sign the pledge and be a part of The Pad Project:)
April 21, 2024
Sage Spada
This is so inspiring. Keep it up ladies!!
April 12, 2024
Keep it up!
April 12, 2024
This is amazing
March 23, 2024
This is commendable.
March 12, 2024
This is so beautiful🥺
February 15, 2024
February 10, 2024
Was quite surprised by the condition of women in India. We need to continuously empower women, only then violence against women can be stopped, for this there is a need to do as many awareness programs as possible. Jeevan Jayoti Jan Kalyan Kendra Gomia Direcor
February 10, 2024
Shannon Sallows
Such a wonderful project to help women
February 10, 2024
Suhani M
I had always been quite appalled at the state of the women of my home country, India. There have been numerous efforts to fix it but with a country this big and this backwardly rooted in religion its definitely a task. However watching the documentary truly gave me hope for the future of our little girls. It really was beautifully made not to mention how important it is to talk about this and bring this issue into light.
January 21, 2024
nikisha gupta
I don't understand why countries across the world still have taxes on menstrual products and the fact that so many girls still use cloth napkins and not pads is such a shame for society It is high time we accept that it is a natural process and the reason for every individuals existence .
November 16, 2023
Olivia Marin
Women didn’t ask for periods, but we have them. Women globally deserve free menstrual products or at least proper menstrual products at a reasonable price. We must continue to educate and destigmatize periods.
November 8, 2023
Gertrude chepkemoi (Spears)
Advocating for girl rights is my passion.Lets continue supporting rights to menstruate freely invest in girls .
October 15, 2023
Róisín McGovern
Everyone who menstruates should have access to the products, support, and education they deserve. No matter who they are, or where they are. Let's remove the stigma associated with menstrual health and hygiene. Every month 1.8 billion people across the world menstruate - let's normalise it.
August 2, 2023
Anne laure Guéret
Access to dignity for a woman is a minimum especially in regards of something so "random" as periods. Knowing that women are judge, put aside because of this is just unbearable in 2023. We have to step up to bring awareness and equality.
July 25, 2023
Hafsa Kanchwala
Period Poverty is often overlooked and shoved under the rug in our own communities- quite frankly it happens everywhere. Young women should not have to suffer as a result of not having adequate access to hygiene products. Women's health and reproductive rights need to be prioritized and protected especially in a #me too world. Let's support wonderful organizations like the Pad Project that are taking equitable steps for women!
June 6, 2023
Garima Thakur
I have seen in past when I was a teenager that my mom always used to say to use cotton or clothes during my periods. It’s not about that we were very low income family but more about wasting money on things that won’t last. I really wanted to say that End Period Poverty is just not inaccessibility of Products like Sanitary Pads but also the inaccessibility of information. Please tag my insta if if you post my comments in your site to spread the awareness. My insta id is garimathakur_hautmondegirl
April 25, 2023
I had goosebumps and welled-up eyes while watching Period End of the sentence. To know how many women are still shy to talk about periods. In so many places it is not even a respected thing. "A lot is changed, a lot is yet to be changed."
April 16, 2023
Carol Illman
We take everything for granted. I had no idea that women in Northern India lost out on an education once they hit puberty and how embarrassed they were to talk about it and how men viewed women. Thank you to those women who are trying to make a change.
March 22, 2023
Carol Illman
We take everything for granted. I had no idea that women in Northern India lost out on an education once they hit puberty and how embarrassed they were to talk about it and how men viewed women. Thank you to those women who are trying to make a change.
March 22, 2023
I believe having access to period products will help everyone feel more secure about their periods and eventually themselves.
March 17, 2023
Janet Hawa Koroma
Periods are not luxury, they are our rights. We should not be taxed for our rights. Period.
March 16, 2023
Because even in elite institutions (like ivy league schools) I see fellow students clamoring for period products. Having to ask strangers for pads, having to run out of class just to get their hands on a pad- compromising their peace of mind AND their education to the extent where we don't even question how absurd it is that multimillion-dollar institutions cannot provide period products in washrooms. Menstrual equity for all. Everywhere. ALWAYS.
March 15, 2023
Period products are a necessity that everyone deserves access to.
March 14, 2023
Gabriella Garza
Periods are a taboo topic and shouldn't be. Period knowledge and products need to be accessible to all.
March 13, 2023
Every menstruator deserves someone who stands up for them. We can change the world - together.
March 11, 2023
We are who give birth to new life. We are who nourish and nurture. We are who voice what human rights we have. We are who educate. We are who make a difference!
March 10, 2023
Supporting women with their basic needs and resources and mostly, supporting their basic human rights !
March 9, 2023
Lack of access to affordable menstrual hygiene products negatively impacts the health and mental well-being of girls and women globally.
March 9, 2023
Christina B.
Menstrual equity is a human right!
March 8, 2023
Our periods shouldn't hold us back; they should empower us to move forward!
March 8, 2023
Sharon Ochsman
Bless our sisters, bless our bodies, and open the minds of the ignorant.
March 8, 2023
Paxton Tarmy
Equity and equality over the comfort of the oppressors!
March 8, 2023
Sandra Best
We are the givers of life and periods should not stop girls/women doing anything that a boy/man does!
March 7, 2023
A period is the reason we have life. We should be in awe of the amazing way our bodies function and celebrate!
March 7, 2023
The stigma around period is a reason why people who bleed can't openly talk about the physical struggles that accompany periods. It can really take a toll on their mental health as well when they can't about how much discomfort they go through while they bleed... And then there are disorders like pcod or endometriosis etc, that can really make their lives difficult. I think being able to talk about it will definitely help them be aware and get the help that they need.
February 24, 2023
Maria Lee
Periods are beautiful and the source of life. Why should women be ashamed of something our body does naturally? Who made us think it was something dirty? Not anymore. I will speak up, for the sake of my daughter and women around the world. We had enough!
February 19, 2023
Periods give us the power as a woman! It has never stopped us nor will it stop us, but it will make us stronger and braver, being able to get where we set out to go. Don´t feel ashamed, be proud of yourself
February 15, 2023
Rasika Vartak
If there was no periods, there would not have been you, me or anybody! No period is end of humans in the world!!
February 6, 2023
Seema Mishra
Period is an amazing chakra ! A full circle of life . Let's embrace it !
February 2, 2023
This org is doing an Amazing job, so admirable. I hope in the future every women could access to information and throw off the feeling of shame. Period doesn´t make you dirty or impure on the contrary it is an amazing cycle in our body. Do not hide, do not be ashamed. PERIOD REVOLUTION! Go girls!
January 28, 2023
January 26, 2023
Seetal Preet Kaur Cheema
Period Power!!!!!!! Go Women!
January 22, 2023
Viridiana Martinez
I am tired of hiding menstruation products from my father! I joke around with him to make him feel uncomfortable about getting me “period tubes” or tampons from the store. I hope my “jokes” will lead his uncomfortable state into a more knowledgeable one.
January 3, 2023
Period power!
December 26, 2022
Anyone can bleed no matter what gender they identify as, as long as they have the biological features of a uterus and can produce periods in the first place (not all people can based off of diet, menopause, and rare occurances). For all those out there who have periods but are trans or identify as something other than a woman you are still valid and still deserve to have your voice and struggles heard. Love you always, no matter what! -Mud (genderfluid born with a vagina that bleeds too, even if I dont feel like a woman sometimes. I will always have the expiriences of bleeding and the stigma and discrimination that comes along with it, but i know that my voice deserves to be heard too.) The stigma ends with US. ALL of us, so dont be afraid to scream and shout! Let your voice flow into others minds. Make the people hear you! ♥️❤️♥️❤️
December 15, 2022
Anyone can bleed no matter what gender they identify as, as long as they have the biological features of a uterus and can produce periods in the first place (not all people can based off of diet, menopause, and rare occurances). For all those out there who have periods but are trans or identify as something other than a woman you are still valid and still deserve to have your voice and struggles heard. Love you always, no matter what! -Mud (genderfluid born with a vagina that bleeds too, even if I dont feel like a woman sometimes. I will always have the expiriences of bleeding and the stigma and discrimination that comes along with it, but i know that my voice deserves to be heard too.) The stigma ends with US. ALL of us, so dont be afraid to scream and shout! Let your voice flow into others minds. Make the people hear you! ♥️❤️♥️❤️
December 15, 2022
If you dont bleed like we bleed dont tell us our blood is nasty because you'll never ever know.
December 15, 2022
I wish that women and girls were not held back by their periods. I hope that through projecys like this they can feel free, unashamed and be in awe of the wonders of the female body. I hope that men begin to reflect this too and show gratitude and respect for women's bodies. I have been fortunate enough to have support and readily available sanitary products all my life of which I am very grateful, however all women should have this as their right.
November 30, 2022
Destigmatize menstruation as a whole. It is natural and NONE of us would be here without it! I want and need to help with this in my area!?
November 18, 2022
For Will Women live their wanted life
November 15, 2022
Janine de Groot
Yes indeed, the period for women outside the western world is quite a problem. Especially in India women are very often bashful and during their period it is for women very difficult to find proper toilets or rooms for cleaning themselves . All this gives women and girls very much limitations to go outside there own houses. At the end it results in leaving school and education in general and therefore it is very important to create opportunities for women and girls especially so they can take care of themselves when needed and being able to continue and finishing their school and education and so being capable of taking chances in their future lives.
November 4, 2022
Herbert Kanyali
In my country, Uganda, many women, and children cannot afford to purchase menstrual napkins due to widespread poverty, especially in rural areas. Pupils drop out of school because of the shame and stigma associated with the menstrual cycle. I and my family through a registered C.B.O (Friends of Luuka), have dedicated personal resources and time to change this unfortunate situation through the provision of free sanitary napkins to upper primary class pupils and also the provision of materials to enable them to make reusable sanitary napkins.
October 14, 2022
Being a women, I can understand the pain of crores. Every month we bleed and we go through so much pain so that our husbands can become fathers and we can become mothers and we can have a family. Instead of helping women society shames us and looks down at us. We are seen as dirt, we are isolated, we are looked down as if we are creating a crime. We don't get pads without perfectly wrapping it up in a newspaper because what will society say? Omg, a men is carrying a pad? My simple, one word question to you is WHY? why is it looked down if a women/men is carrying a pad? Why are women stopped from visiting their beliefs when they are menstruating? Why are women the ones who always have to breathe in suffocation? Why? Why? Why?. The time has come to change our thoughts and to support people. As human beings we should be ashamed of ourselves for even thinking all of this. If you can marry a women, then supporting her through tough times is your duty. Its bloody natural, Let's stop period shaming, and lets become human beings one again. I pledge to stop period shaming and to stand up to anybody who goes through this bullshit. Lets become human beings once again and lets find humanity. Thank you - Kruthagnya
October 1, 2022
I will do everything within and beyond my powers to make my country a 100% sanitary pads using one. And will work with my full strength to break any kind of stigma or taboo around gender distinctions Period.
September 23, 2022
As a college school nurse, I am a strong advocate for destigmatizing periods and ending period shame!
September 19, 2022
As someone who was born male but identifies as female, I cannot claim to have personal experience with periods. That said, it's not just empathy or apathy, with no in between. Sympathy is possible without empathy. I'm done with the "yOu'Re NoT a GiRl So YoU dOn'T gEt It. YoU kNoW nOtHiNg" b.s. You can understand what something is like without experiencing it. And I'm here to say that my knowledge means something. It means I feel just as strongly about the end of period shame as everyone here. My words have power, and I intend to let it flow through all people. Period shame will cease, and ignorance will not prevail. Sorry, I'm good at speeches of empowerment and I talk too much so here we are lol. PERIOD SHAME WILL END IF I HAVE TO DIE TRYING.
August 17, 2022
It's about time for women and girls around the globe to unashamedly take heed of their bleeds!
August 6, 2022
I was so embarrassed when I got my period and didn't want my mom to tell my dad. Thankfully I have overcome that fear, shame, embarrassment and have not passed that on to my children. My children call it what it is and are not ashamed to talk about it in front of anyone! Period stigma ends here. Period.
August 5, 2022
It’s life and it’s real and people who don’t have to manage it can at least manage hearing about it so that people have access to what they need. Sheesh
August 2, 2022
Period. It isn’t an issue but indicates a woman’s strength to bear pain and still fly high.
July 8, 2022
You have the the power to stop period stigma... Don't period shame!
June 15, 2022
When I first got my period I knew so little about it, I was scared to tell my mom. I was ashamed. This was 4 years ago and I live in Western Europe. I don't want my future children to be ashamed of their own human body. The stigma has to stop. Now.
June 14, 2022
English: Menstruation shouldn't be stigmatized. It is as normal and natural as breathing. The stigma surrounding menstruation prevents many of the menstruators from getting their basic human rights to education, work, health, sanitation, and many more. Their needs and concerns need to be taken seriously. We also need to start talking about menstruation candidly in conversation, without shame, not only to fellow menstruators, but also the general public. Indonesian: Menstruasi tidak seharusnya distigmatisasi. Hal tersebut adalah sesuatu yang senormal dan sealamiah bernafas. Stigma seputar menstruasi mencegah banyak dari para menstruators mendapatkan hak dasar atas pendidikan, pekerjaan, kesehatan, sanitasi, dan masih banyak lagi. Kebutuhan dan kekhawatiran mereka perlu ditanggapi dengan serius. Kita harus mulai membicarakan menstruasi secara terang-terangan, tanpa rasa malu, tidak hanya kepada para menstruator lain, tetapi juga masyarakat umum. Oh, and Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day, everyone! <3
May 28, 2022
anjani nabar
May 22, 2022
Mabel Adu
No more period shaming No more use of of unhygienic sanitary products Menstrual equity is a right.
May 21, 2022
We as women should never be ashamed of speaking about what is normal.
May 13, 2022
Ayla Espinosa
May 13, 2022
Stephanie Ramirez
May 13, 2022
Stephanie Ramirez
May 13, 2022
Florence Lansana
This is a Topic that is dear to my heart. It is time that we break the silence and the stigma associated with this topic, which affect women through a significant part of their lives We have allowed others "Men" to define us by our womanhood. We need to high light the beauty of the "Period". These is my Slogan " You are here because of my Period" " Without my period you will not be here"
May 2, 2022
Malou Franssen
"A period should end a sentence, not a girl’s education."
April 29, 2022
Jessie Sabino
Thank you! Period was eye opening and I both laughed and cried. The women are brave and powerful beyond my wildest imagination, and every woman deserves to feel empowered.
April 28, 2022
Janet Hawa Koroma
No one should be stigmatized for something as normal as period
April 21, 2022
Samuel Chen
I am a ally to the menstrual community!
April 20, 2022
Ingrid Beyer
A menstruação é algo natural da mulher, todas as mulheres precisam de acesso a higiene íntima sem tabu. Eu me importo com a pobreza menstrual!
April 10, 2022
Bally Thiara
I care about period poverty:):):)
April 1, 2022
Katherine Martin
My mother grew up in a time when her mother did not even tell her about menstruation until she got her first period! My mother made sure that did not happen to her daughters, and I made sure that did not happen to my daughters.
March 26, 2022
Flomo G. Kalaplee
I am the Executive Director of Her Pride, an NGO focused on Menstrual Health Awareness and Management in Liberia. We remain committed to Promoting Healthier Periods
March 22, 2022
Monica Mikhail
The fact that this subject is still considered taboo frustrates me! I pledge to speak about menstruation freely; the stigma stops with me!
March 18, 2022
D. Makowski
The stigma stops with me - it's totally normal and healthy and nothing to be ashamed of!
March 18, 2022
I, voluntarily working in a reputed NGO of Ranga Reddy district, Telangana state, India. I am a team leader of MMH ( Menstrual Management and Health Hygiene ). I have been conducting sessions in government schools to educate and empower the girl child about MMH. We have to eradicate the period stigma to enrich the financial status, social equality and honour of a girl / women .
March 16, 2022
Gabriela Marie
The stigma stops with me because AFAB bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. It’s time to fight back against misogyny. Power to the period!
March 14, 2022
Nancy Iheduru
Menstruation is a biological phenomenon. I am proud to experience it. That makes me complete on my journey to becoming a mother someday. I'm proudly a champion of Menstruation without shame. I'm cool with it.
March 14, 2022
David O Keeffe
The menstrual cycle is the very reason why we all exist in the first place, every single myth,stigma and taboo needs to be exterminated
March 14, 2022
Ifeoma Odum
Period stigma stops with me because girls and women are made for more and can achieve any success in life. They should not be limited by period stigma. They should be able to bloom with confidence 🌸.
March 11, 2022
Marianne Zullas
When I first got my period, I was thought menstruating is a private thing and we must hide it. My whole life I lived with the fear of having "an accident". Today, I want to teach my daughters not to be embarrassed, but instead to menstruate with pride and to join me in a fight for period equity. Let's speak up and make period products accessible for everyone!
March 10, 2022
Alyssa Peterson
March 10, 2022
Emily Randall
Time to lessen stigma for all women and girls.
March 9, 2022
Miura Lima
I speak uo to say that period equity, means social equity. Period Products and Menstrual Education should be part of meanstream public policy
March 9, 2022
Catherine Chan
Period products are a necessity and should not be a financial/emotional burden on anyone. Menstruators should have reliable and easy access to period products when they need them!!
March 9, 2022
Madhavi Akella
As Malala Yousafzai once said "I raise up my voice - not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard. We cannot succeed when half of us are held back." No human should be made inferior due to a biological process. Periods are natural and normal! #stigmaendswithme
March 9, 2022
Ananya Grover
Because menstrual equity is a human right!
March 9, 2022
Deborah Ascheim
After too many years, the stigma stops with me!
March 9, 2022
katie m.
happy international women’s day!
March 9, 2022
Sajal S.
No one should ever be made to feel like they need to hide their period. Periods are natural, beautiful, and powerful.
March 9, 2022
Jeremy Tepper
There is no more pragmatic and achievable way to achieve gender equity than tackling menstrual equity and reducing period stigma. I have learned so much from TPP and appreciate what they do both in the US and abroad. Happy International Women’s Day and thank you for all you do!
March 9, 2022
Nasiah Burns
I think this is for an amazing cause! I never really thought about how we have certain words for our periods out of embarrassment! It’s sad considering that all women have it and that we shouldn’t be uncomfortable.
March 9, 2022
Mason Maxam
Thank you to The Pad Project for all the incredible work you are doing! I pledge to encourage conversations about period stigmas and poverty.
March 9, 2022
Mary Beth Walsh
No one should have to feel embarrassed for having a period!
March 8, 2022
Ruby Shanker
I am a proud Pad Project Ambassador and the stigma around periods will end with us!!!
March 8, 2022
Ruby Shanker
I am a proud Pad Project Ambassador and the stigma around periods will end with us!!!
March 8, 2022
Alex Wexler
It's time we stop pretending like periods are gross/dirty/inappropriate. We have periods to thank for human life, so let's start respecting them, which includes talking about them (!)
March 8, 2022
Avery Siegel
The stigma stops with US!
March 8, 2022
Iona Saunders
I am a Pad Project Ambassador and I am passionate about ending the period stigma because it can be really damaging to menstruators's attitude towards their period and can affect their choice to seek help if they are struggling to access the products they need each month.
March 8, 2022
Alexis Handler
as my beautiful Granada always said “life’s too short to sweat the small stuff”… we are much more than our periods and deserve to live our lives without the stress of the stigma surrounding them!
March 8, 2022
Katie H
I pledge to stop the stigma! Women are strong and powerful, and menstruation is a part of who we are.
March 8, 2022
Amélie Levasseur
A celebration of our bodies that can create LIFE ! What an amazing thing it is. I pledge to speak up for the people who can't -- not yet. Go Pad Project.
March 8, 2022
This is a very important and crucial campaign, remember the menstrual cycle is the very reason why we all exist in the first place
March 8, 2022
We shouldn't be stigmatized for something that's natural, God's gift to our gender , painful 😣 and at the same time blissful. I love my gender and I embrace my womanhood.
March 8, 2022
let’s end the stigma 🙂 happy international women’s day <3
March 8, 2022
Frenetta Tate
We have to normalize the conversation around periods. We have to stop discriminating girls and women. We need to support this natural life process by providing resources, education and products.
March 8, 2022
I refuse to be embarrassed over periods and support ending period stigma globally!
March 8, 2022
Olajumoke Omolara
Am free from the stigma, be free too
March 8, 2022
Let the stigma of the red sea part!
March 8, 2022
Discriminatory behaviors towards women need to end, including stigmas and laws that shame and restrict our bodies and everything natural about it.
March 8, 2022
Siobhan Noade
I'm over being embarrassed. Half the population gets a period, so why do we treat it otherwise?
March 8, 2022
June Khoda
One should be able to do whatever one wants, period or not!
March 8, 2022
Eliana Folin
Stigmas around periods ends with me because I wish to see a culture and society in which menstruation is celebrated!
March 8, 2022
Querida Duncalfe
March 8, 2022
Mariana Nicotera de Souza
Period is as part as being human as it is to sweat, to pee. It is human. Period.
March 8, 2022
Olivia Hallinan-Gan
People who experience a period should not have to hide a natural part of their body.
March 8, 2022
Nicole Littlejohn
Reducing period stigma matters because it extends far beyond simply being a "woman's issue" at that time of the month. Stigma is a social and systemic issue that have direct limitations to a girls access to education, physical and mental wellbeing to name just a few. Reducing stigma not only allows women and girls the space to achieve socioeconomic mobility, it also allows them to reclaim agency
March 8, 2022
Anele Masuku
Girls and women all over the world have the right to express themselves freely without any judgements, therefore there is a need to end the stigma.. Period!!
March 8, 2022
Jodie Williams
Growing up playing sports my period always felt awkward and uncomfortable, it was rarely talked about and I’d suffer through in silence. As I got older I learnt how to better manage my symptoms and started speaking openly around my period. I also started advocating for those without access to basic sanitary items. Too many girls drop out of school due to their periods and this needs to end! No girl should have to suffer due to her period.
March 8, 2022
So women don't have to be ashamed of talking about their periods.
March 8, 2022
Usim Peace Omojo
Every girl child should be able to get a free pad so as not to sleep around because of how expensive our pad has become these days
March 8, 2022
Period is just the end of a sentence. Periods shouldn't stop women from getting educated. Every menstruator should have access to menstrual products and clean water. Stop the stigma!
March 8, 2022
With adequate information about about menstruation, we can demystify menstruation taboos. I will stop the stigma by continuous education and support for menstruators. #itsTimeForAction
March 8, 2022
Hannah Mitchell
So future generations don't have to be ashamed of periods.
March 7, 2022
Donations For Dignity
Menstruation should not keep anyone from sitting at the proverbial table. Donations For Dignity is creating partnerships to create systemic sustainable change so no seat is ever left empty! -diane
February 24, 2022
Nathalie Karlsson
Menstruation is a natural and normal bodily function and it sholdn't be tabu. It's just a regular body function that almost all women will experience. Having education and affordable sanitized menstrual protection should be a standard for all women.
February 3, 2022
women are power, our body is a reflection of that. We should never be diminished by something as natural as menstruation or our breasts. we will be free and powerful
February 3, 2022
Robin Mann
Periods are a natural process of the body and there should be absolutely no reason for any woman to be ashamed of them. Along with women, men need to be educated about periods.
February 3, 2022
Maayan Rotnes Cohen
February 2, 2022
Manuela Heinz
I am woman, I am fearless I am sexy, I'm divine - Emily Lomeli
January 31, 2022
Salvi Sachin Mahalunge
I also want this system. When firstly I got my periods is in my vacation of std 6th then I have to know about that, so I just get started to talk about periods in my class, so I am very shocked to know that why they are shy to talk about periods, it is our pride but I doesn't had stopped to talk openly and I am very glad to know that the other girls also want to stop this Uneccesary system , I am also with this project
January 23, 2022
En mi colegio muchas niñas se sienten avergonzadas sobre su menstruación y no quiero que eso nunca más suceda, quiero sentirme libre de hablar sobre la menstruación y las problemáticas que sufren día a día las personas que menstruan.
January 11, 2022
Periods are natural! I don’t want the little girls coming up in the world to feel like they should be ashamed of a natural body process! We need to speak openly about it so it become more accepted
December 10, 2021
i don't want little girls to believe that there's a natural part of them that they should be ashamed of and i hope that women being able to be confidently acknowledge their periods will help in ending this
November 28, 2021
I want women to feel empowered, to view menstruation as a superpower and to be proud to menstruate
November 24, 2021
Penny Johnson
Another step toward equality…
November 22, 2021
sky mosley
we could help people advertise and donate the pads all around the world. women are just as important to society and they need nothing but support. we could even help out physically and make sure they have what they need to feel comfotable.
November 11, 2021
Stop talking as if it’s an untouchable thing! Be grateful that we have the ability to give birth to your sons and daughters!
October 30, 2021
Benito Zaidman
I supported their cause. A guy from Peru.
October 29, 2021
go girls, you got this!! is normal
October 25, 2021
Women bleed to bring new life to the planet ♥️
October 16, 2021
Inês Silva
Go girls! You got this!!!
October 14, 2021
Inês Silva
Go girls. You got this!!!!
October 14, 2021
chipyeung ann
당신의 올바른 행동을 지지합니다. 언제나 당신들을 응원하겠습니다.
October 4, 2021
Embrace nature, embrace periods. in addition to period, period care, period hygiene.. we should also talk about safe disposal. Together we can make a difference!
September 26, 2021
Cole Daniel
Women are strong and powerful and deserve to feel comfortable with their own body.
September 24, 2021
we need to do this for the girls who feel ashamed. for the boys who don't know what a period is. we need to do this for the future. SPEAK UP! period.
September 24, 2021
Even myself in very advanced Europe are still hiding pads in my pocket, feeling like I should not let people know I am in period time... Nonsense! thanks for opening my eyes on this small but big detail, I'll remind male colleagues to use the word PERIOD.
September 3, 2021
Caroline Atherholt-Brown
Thank you!!
August 30, 2021
August 28, 2021
Shrija Halder
Women are the root of the society, we need to remove all the stigma from our society, educate son, so that girls can also educate themselves without any boundaries.
August 21, 2021
Silke Hofmann
August 7, 2021
Jade Day
August 2, 2021
it’s. a. normal. body. process #noshame
August 1, 2021
July 31, 2021
Ella Thompson
July 29, 2021
Aneesa Lindahl
The stigma stops with me because I think women should be able to not be embarrassed or shamed when they are in their period
July 28, 2021
Bleeding is part of life half of the world population. I want this stigma to stop! #ibleedtoo
July 28, 2021
Angelica (Angel)
The stigma stops with me because I have been there. I have been the one to feel the shame. I have hid period products and didn't want to mention it especially out loud due to what society conditions us for. I also have a young daughter that is growing up and I want to prove to her to do what is right. Stick up for herself and fellow menstruators. I want her to be proud of what her body goes through and provides for her. I want her to know that she is a powerful being with or without a period, but she is stronger with it. #ibleedtoo
July 1, 2021
Period, sex and life are the most natural things in the world. Without the fertility of women there would be no reproduction! Girls, you create miracles! Do not forget your strength and stand by your period, be proud that your body is fertile! #ibleedtoo
June 29, 2021
Period, sex and life are the most natural things in the world. Without the fertility of women there would be no reproduction! Girls, you create miracles! Do not forget your strength and stand by your period, be proud that your body is fertile! #ibleedtoo
June 29, 2021
Period, sex and life are the most natural things in the world. Without the fertility of women there would be no reproduction! Girls, you create miracles! Do not forget your strength and stand by your period, be proud that your body is fertile! #ibleedtoo
June 29, 2021
I pledge to dismantle all those period related stereotypes! I embrace this natural phenomenon and I’ll try to influence my near ones to do the same. Because #Itoobleed
June 25, 2021
Ayushi Priya
No one dilated their pupils when someone was carrying bandages but a girl with a pad was not only looked at but also looked down upon. I pledge to reflect on morals and actively dismantle stereotypes by acknowledging periods and being a part of this wonderful movement. The world always expected women to be good mothers, but was it even possible without periods? No. It is beautiful process that keeps the humankind going. I am a proud women, a proud feminist and I am proud to have my periods.
June 23, 2021
Bhavneet Singh Randev
No girl or woman deserves suffering due to lack of hygiene during their periods. It is a natural phenomenon. People should leave women alone and not shame them.
June 14, 2021
We deserve to be healthy and feel good about ourselves. We should not be ashamed and discriminated against over a natural biological process- everyone benefits from menstrual empowerment and education.
June 13, 2021
Growing up, periods were a lot more normalized than for other girls and that is why I want to break the stigma for women suffering amongst it. Periods are not dirty, they are a part of life.
June 5, 2021
Monique F
Women do not need to be ashamed or embarrassed about having a period. It is so normal, and beautiful. I pledge to do my best to combat this in my life & support my other gals to do the same.
May 30, 2021
Nancy Tella
Thank you for raising consciousness and helping women erase barriers and achieve their goals.
May 30, 2021
Periods are an event more than half the people on earth has to face. Not being able to talk about them freely is oppressive and erasure of many people’s experiences on earth. We need to be able to talk about it so we can demand health care, sustainable period products, and safe Conversations as well as accurate information.
May 29, 2021
Hilária Saugo Faria
Well, i'm from brazil: one of the most daugerous places for a woman, so imagine that is not easy for us when it comes to "period". I've embraced this debate for so many years and i feel more and more inspired and happy with growing feminists acts like this project. We NEED to talk freely about woman's needs and cycles! Let's change it!!
May 29, 2021
Arina Sandul
I always felt comfortable talking about my periods all my life, I realize it's a huge fortune I have. Periods are the beginning of all life, I want everyone to be proud of them. It's not an illness, it's a blessing.
May 24, 2021
Period's should be normal and talked on freely with no embarrassment involved because this is like any cycle in life and its normal for our bodies!
May 17, 2021
Abigail Jamison Clark
Period poverty has huge global effects because roughly half of the world's population are menstruators at some point in their lives. Lack of access to menstrual products can prevent people from being able to work. Menstruators in developing countries, as well as the US, can also be prevented from receiving an education due to period poverty. At the same time, we should recognize that periods can be debilitatingly painful, and we must destigmatize the necessity of paid menstrual leave.The tampon tax must be abolished and period products should be free. Menstrual shame and period stigma prevents some people from purchasing menstrual products. I pledge to do my part to end the period stigma.
May 17, 2021
I want my daughter to grow up viewing periods as normal as brushing her teeth! We can do this. Let’s keep talking.
May 16, 2021
Sara Oberle
Period poverty is a manifestation of gender-based discrimination. The perpetuation of this stigma is the result of a vicious cycle that is powered by silence in the conversation and inaccessibility to education. This cycle is broken only through a societal shift working to increase the salience of menstruation as a normal process. Education, well being, security, etc., cannot continue being endangered by an irrational stigma surrounding the period. This is why I strive to actively dismantle stereotypes by acknowledging periods in all capacities.
May 16, 2021
Aaron Schaeg
As a gay cis-male, I am pledging to help stop the negative stigma that is prevalent in the gay male community. Periods & menstruation are as natural as breathing air. Sad that there is so much stigma that teenage girls are forced to feel shame by a biological process. If you stand for women's rights then that includes all aspects of womanhood.
May 15, 2021
Jillian Krill
Embarrassed to think I was ever embarrassed to carry a tampon to the bathroom when I was on my period
May 12, 2021
Toni Buranen
As a woman, a mother of a daughter, and an educator in an all-girls school, it is important for me to stand up for women's rights and to end the stigma around menstruation.
May 3, 2021
Bree Bonner
Periods are a part of every woman's life. It is important that we fight to end period poverty, treating women with the care and respect they not only need but deserve.
May 3, 2021
Caitlin Reischauer
Periods are a natural process that should not limit a woman’s opportunities or be the cause for judgement.
May 3, 2021
Sumaeya Sultana
Period is biological and not a disease, which is how it’s treated.
May 3, 2021
Sandra Huditz
Every woman has their period and there’s nothing you can do against it except make it socially excepted. Woman are loved because they’re the mother of the world - why? Because of their period - start of being able to be a mother. Not everyone knows what it actually means to get their period, also seen in the documentary. Educate yourself and open up for menstruation.
May 3, 2021
Sandra Huditz
Every woman has their period and there’s nothing you can do against it except make it socially excepted. Woman are loved because they’re the mother of the world - why? Because of their period - start of being able to be a mother. Not everyone knows what it actually means to get their period, also seen in the documentary. Educate yourself and open up for menstruation.
May 3, 2021
My period my Pride!
April 30, 2021
women are invincible. PERIOD. #girlbosstingz
April 28, 2021
Periods are normal. It's part of a female life. Every women should feel free to talk about it without hesitation. We should raise awareness and take care of eachother. Keep up the great work!
April 26, 2021
No more hiding it! Thank you for your amazing work!
April 24, 2021
Amy Lundy
Keep up the great work! Periods are completely normal and we should be able to talk about it just like anything else. Stay strong and God bless us all!
April 23, 2021
Shikha Lall
It's simply a period. Just like breathing. It's that normal!!
April 22, 2021
Me gustaría comunicar mi interés porque se elaboren toallas sanitarias REUSABLES. Debemos pensar a futuro y no solo en el momento. Una acción por el bien de un ser no debe afectar a otros, es decir al medio ambiente. Hay que ser responsables de lo que elaboramos y los desechos que se generan.
April 11, 2021
You matter! Your story about menstruation matters. It is natural to menstruate. Taking care of you during menstruation is your right! It should not represent shame or an obstacle to just be you or to follow your dreams “just because” you’re menstruating. Talking freely about menstruation and raising awareness about it is empowering and supportive. You are not alone in this. You matter! ❤️
April 9, 2021
You matter! Your story about menstruation matters. It is natural to menstruate. Taking care of you during menstruation is your right! It should not represent shame or an obstacle to just be you or to follow your dreams “just because” you’re a woman who menstruates. Talking freely about menstruation and raising awareness about it is empowering and supports women worldwide. You are not alone in this. You matter! ❤️
April 9, 2021
Zyan Kildares
The strongest creatures created by god isn't the lion, the tiger or the elephant. It's the girl. ❤️
April 8, 2021
Basic Necessities
We have distributed period supplies to hundreds of people in the ArkLaTex. It's time to stop the stigma around periods here in The Bible Belt!
April 7, 2021
I simply say it is natural to menstruate. There should be no shame towards nature.
April 7, 2021
The strongest creatures created by god isn't the lion, the tiger or the elephant. It's the girl.
April 1, 2021
Jennifer Peters
There should be no shame about this normal process that allows us to become mothers if we choose. How beautiful is that!
March 31, 2021
We are bleeding,we are strong,we are powerful. Our period is not disgusting but their minds are pretty disgusting.
March 27, 2021
People need to be respected for having their period and continuing with their daily lives NOT stigmatised! End period poverty now.
March 24, 2021
Your -our- blood is sacred, it is the essence of life, it is time to embrace it and respect it, but most of all LOVE IT!
March 20, 2021
Michele Richards
Keep moving forward! End the stigma!
March 18, 2021
Period is not a taboo, is normal and natural God given blessing where women & girls are blessed to reproduce great and excellent citizens of every country.
March 18, 2021
End the stigma!
March 17, 2021
Nicole Free
It's time for the normalization of periods. I'm done feeling embarrassed and ashamed. It's time for our society to recognize the reality of periods; its time for affordable and accessible period products for all women.
March 17, 2021
Women are divine <3
March 17, 2021
Jennifer Zhou
End the stigma, nobody should be ashamed of our body
March 17, 2021
Periods are natural, no one should be shamed for it.
March 16, 2021
Katie Rochat
end the stigma so middle school girls don’t get shamed for their first period ❤️❤️
March 16, 2021
Olivia Libonati
We need to de-stigmatize a process that is natural for so many people!
March 16, 2021
Margaux Hackett
No shame, the stigma stops now!
March 16, 2021
Joanna Otocka
Change is gonna come!
March 16, 2021
The consequences for not raising awareness on such important issues are far more serious than we can imagine. The people living in poverty stricken or rural communities have no concept of period hygiene and that leads to life threatening situations in some cases
March 16, 2021
Tooba Khan
Period stigma gets in the way of menstrual awareness, lets end the stigma together!
March 16, 2021
Lucy Jimenez
The stigma stops now!
March 16, 2021
The stigma stops here! Normalize periods and everything around it, period!
March 16, 2021
Martha Martinez
The stigma stops with me! And all of us!
March 16, 2021
Vicki R
Periods are a part of life and not something to be ashamed of!
March 15, 2021
Mickey Kennedy
Stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Annabel Franklin
Stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Sarah Stuecheli
power to the period!
March 15, 2021
Stop the stigma!!
March 15, 2021
Ally Riley
Stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Caroline P
Let's normalise Periods!
March 15, 2021
Margot Healy
stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Keziah S
Power to the period!
March 15, 2021
Alexa Shulman
Stop the stigma!!
March 15, 2021
Reese Sutter
together we can stop the stigma !
March 15, 2021
oceania eshraghi
stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
oceania eshraghi
stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Caroline Douglas
stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Rekha Marar
let’s stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Chloe Kasdin
stop the stigma !!!
March 15, 2021
Julia Shelanski
Power to the period!!
March 15, 2021
Isabella Mazzeo
no shame
March 15, 2021
Emma sweeney
March 15, 2021
Same thing goes for urinary incontinence protection! No shame.
March 15, 2021
girls should always feel confident and comfortable especially in our own bodies !!!
March 15, 2021
girls should always feel confident and comfortable especially in our own bodies !!!
March 15, 2021
Hanna tulchinsky
stop the stigma!
March 15, 2021
Max Seigerman
because it’s natural!
March 15, 2021
Kiersten Thomas
March 15, 2021
Izzy Huang
People need to be better educated on this essential part of women’s health!
March 15, 2021
Maura Kelly
Let’s stop the stigma!!
March 15, 2021
Tatyana Lazareva
March 15, 2021
Elizabeth Awimo
We should stop the stigma and fight it to create safe space for all women...when we talk about our menses with men and Community that's the right step of breaking the stigma!
March 15, 2021
It is a natural process and period pain is a real thing too and should be recognised and understood by employers. We should not have to make excuses for ourselves "it's just my time of the month"
March 15, 2021
I pledge to be supportive of my daughters and educate my son and all their male friends about all things periods so that everyone can stand up and become an advocate.
March 15, 2021
It is a natural process and period pain is a real thing and difficult to deal with and can make daily life hard for some people that needs to be understood by employers and people shouldn't feel the need to make up an excuse when suffering.
March 15, 2021
Claudia Stetz
Advocate flannel homemade pads to lower the cost and decrease waste.
March 15, 2021
I pledge to talk openly about it around men/teenage boys because a lot of times they are not taught anything about it and it will help if it is talked about openly so they don't get embarrassed if the subject comes up.
March 15, 2021
Alex Wexler
March 15, 2021
Anja Cucinotta
No periods. No humans.
March 15, 2021
Teodora Pagalidi
March 15, 2021
Samantha Delman
I want to break the stigma by encouraging the expansion of sex education to include more issues related to women's health!
March 15, 2021
Zulayqha Zulkifli
Everyone deserves equal opportunity and should not be limited by our biological differences. I’m breaking this stigma by helping others as I “bleed”.
March 15, 2021
It is so unfair for anyone to be put down about a completely natural bodily function. I am committed to calling it out among my male counterparts and ending the taboo.
March 13, 2021
Poppy (@planet.poppy)
I am breaking the stigma by doing my Master's dissertation on periods and talking about them on my social media! The stigma exacerbates period poverty, prevents all genders from receiving good quality sex education and encourages misinformation and shame around female bodies. Ending the stigma benefits everyone!
March 12, 2021
Reena Somani
Why is everyone so terrified of a little blood? It’s 100% more stressful to have to worry about period stigma while worrying about your period itself
March 12, 2021
Maïthée Lévesque
La femme est l’égal de l’homme et grâce aux règles, il vient au monde.
March 12, 2021
Because the patriarchy needs to be toppled.
March 11, 2021
Gini ilieva
We should not be ashamed of talking about it. Also, menstrual products should be free!!!
March 11, 2021
Maru F
We all have our warrior days! Why is it that it doesn't bother you in horror / war films but when it comes out of a woman?
March 11, 2021
No more stigma!!!
March 11, 2021
Damir Bajramovic
Free period stigma! It is natural. Get over it. Long live the fertility dance ritual from Borat 2 Subsequent Moviefilm!
March 11, 2021
Halle Rebecca Hughes
I’m 14 and only recently started my period, I don’t want to be uncomfortable with the idea of It
March 11, 2021
I don't think we should all start flaunting pads and tampons in our hands on the way to the bathroom, but period is an absolutely normal thing! We should be able to talk about it and not be called "inappropriate" or hear "ewww", every time we say we are in pain from cramps , it's ridiculous and needs to stop.
March 11, 2021
Aglaya Cherneva
It doesn't stop me at any way but I know that some people are afraid/ashamed to talk about it.
March 11, 2021
Period is something normal - we should all accept it and treat it with respect and understanding. I remember when I had my period for a first time I was so ashamed so I ended up hiding it for a year from my friends. Even in school, I barely had an education on period- only one class! Also, this one class was exclusive only for girls, which is wrong. It is time to say stop to the period stigma which unfortunately still exists in 21century.
March 11, 2021
As a man I want to say to all girls and grown up women that there is nothing bad about periods it's a normal body function and you should not feel bad or ashamed about it. If your boyfriend or anybody is trying to shame you or make fun about it to the point where it gets annoying speak up.
March 11, 2021
Period isn’t gross or disgusting It’s
March 11, 2021
Victoria Iltchev
The stigma stops with me because I’m tired of hiding pads in my pockets when I’m on my period at school and I’m tired of boys blaming my annoyance with them on my period.
March 11, 2021
Rosemary Choma
As a disabled person, being in menstrual periods as heavy as it is still, and with such pain associated with menstrual period in addition to having to wear the long braces it has always cause me pain but felt embarrassed to share this experience. I felt that it is a thing I should keep a secret as how our culture restricts. This caused me a lot of pain and created chances for other related diseases. Girls and fellow woman let's help one other to communicate freely our menstrual period experiences so that we can serve the woman communities by being at least get helped in some ways. I used to always fall sick every two weeks prior, a heavy one week bleeding and the final one week of mouth sours and other body pain. Working was by force not able. It's a horrible situation.
March 11, 2021
Samantha Alcaro
I am sick of missing classes and important meetings bc i am too embarrassed abt my period
March 11, 2021
Women on Top
Women's Wrath!
March 11, 2021
I want to feel comfortable with my red spot behind
March 10, 2021
Sonya Koleva
Every girl needs ti know that there is nothing to be ashamed of
March 10, 2021
Miura Lima
Period deserve freedom. It has been hidden and ashamed for too long. It's time to feel fully empowered. Period equity means health equity!
March 10, 2021
ara lynn
we shouldn’t have to keep this a secret, everyone knows it happens!
March 10, 2021
We should feel empowered by our periods, not shamed because of them.
March 10, 2021
We have to educate women and men about our cyclical nature❤️
March 10, 2021
Michelle Whang
Periods are natural and beautiful!
March 10, 2021
Sara Lev
Break the cycle & end stigma on women’s bodies and the normal processes that go on!
March 10, 2021
Tabitha Yamaguchi-Burtrum (@period_prophetess)
The stigma stops with me, because I promise to no longer feel ashamed about periods. I'll continue to create period positive illustrations to empower menstruators and informing everyone.
March 9, 2021
Emma K
Periods are normal and natural and messy and beautiful. Why should there be any shame in that?
March 9, 2021
Marina W
Because stigmas cause shame, don’t help anyone and can have dangerous consequences. Everyone would benefit from more open and loving conversations surrounding periods and menstruation 🩸 that way we can make the world a better, more compassionate and inclusive place. Menstruation is a powerful and beautiful part of life and should be respected, supported and celebrated. Everyone should feel free and relaxed to talk about the world of periods, in a way that has not existed and still does not in so many communities and parts of the world. End the stigma!!
March 9, 2021
Period Poverty and Shame should end with us and I am so proud of all of us who are advocating for it's end May we get to the place where our period experience is DIGNIFIED and BOLD!
March 9, 2021
Artti sareen
We should talk about our periods as a normal thing and we should not be ashamed of talking about this. This is a natural phenomenon.
March 9, 2021
Doreen kimuhu
It's the high time we end period poverty and the stigma that comes with it.... Women and girls should be able to menstruate🩸with dignity be it at school, at work...etc and should not be perceived as a way of sciving,when we request for a day off,,,some of us can't just function..the pain is unbearable sometimes...😩
March 9, 2021
Elzy Moroto
Girls and women have a right to experience their menstruation with dignity and free from shame as a result of the stigma attached to menstruation.
March 9, 2021
It's time to end period poverty and the stigma around having your period. I don't want my daughter to feel embarrassed by something that is, although not much fun, totally natural .
March 9, 2021
Lauren Salzman
The only way we can normalize talking about our periods for future generations is to... talk about our periods!
March 9, 2021
Janet Mbugua
I’ve been speaking up to end Period Poverty over the last 7 years. Starts with us speaking out, ends with us so that the next generation of women and girls have Menstrual Equity 🩸🙌🏾
March 9, 2021
Hannah Chaouli
March 9, 2021
Access to period education and supplies is not a luxury but a necessity. Being part of the Pad Project has taught me that by the most extreme examples and I am so glad to have joined the fight.
March 9, 2021
I was really moved by the documentary. Even though I am privileged, my life has been greatly shaped by my excessive bleeding. from age 14 to age 49, I have had over 4,000 days of bleeding. I have bled for 8 days every 15-20 days. It's been a horrible journey, and I am lucky to have pads, tampons, and ibuprofen, and was able to attend school and university. I had to use cloth rags once while traveling, and I was unable to do anything for 3 days and I bled through the bedding. had I been born somewhere else, I would have had to drop out of school at 14. The fact that periods are keeping girls and women out of school, breaks my heart. I want to help, and this is my first tiny step. Thank you.
March 9, 2021
Feminine Blood mysteries. We’re cyclical beings, as the seasons so are we.
March 9, 2021
“Anything you can do I can do bleeding!”
March 9, 2021
Mikayla Bowen
Because period hygiene is basic human hygiene and should be accessible and normalized. Together we can do this!
March 9, 2021
Lily Campbell
Those who have periods shouldn’t feel embarrassment or shame for something that is natural/a bodily function. We have enough crazy shit to deal with in our daily lives & periods shouldn’t be an added burden because of the stigma that surrounds them.
March 8, 2021
Ina Rosario
so important to normalize speaking about this!
March 8, 2021
Sanjana Satish
So important to speak up about this right now!
March 8, 2021
Victoria Mak
Women supporting women!
March 8, 2021
Hindo Kposowa
We will end period stigma collectively. TEAM WORK!!
March 8, 2021
Sarah Seaver
I will speak up!
March 8, 2021
Jackson Prince
It all starts with a conversation!
March 8, 2021
Excited to take the pledge!
March 8, 2021
Allison Munder
It's important to talk about periods because so many women are shamed for having them or not having them. The lack of education on periods is affecting people who have periods. So many people across the globe are in need of menstrual hygiene products and it's important to talk about it.
March 8, 2021
Pencils of Promise
We are so happy to partner with The Pad Project to break stigmas and make menstrual health more accessible and sustainable around the world!
March 8, 2021
Sara Sørensen
Happy to be part of this
March 8, 2021
Brynta Ponn
Girls around the world lack access to hygienic products and because of this are missing out on a proper education because of their periods. We shouldn’t have to hide or be deprived of rights because of something that is so natural!
March 8, 2021
Rachael Frempomaa
Because I believe periods are natural and shouldn’t be treated as taboos
March 8, 2021
Dorothea Mulcahy
Proud to be part of this team!
March 8, 2021
Callie Smith
Because if we don’t fight to end it, no one else will!
March 8, 2021
Jenny Knox
God made us to give life. Be proud.
March 8, 2021
The stigma stops with me because there should never have been one in the first place!
March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021
Victoria S
We should never be ashamed of our boidies!
March 8, 2021
Olivia Hallinan-Gan
March 8, 2021
Let's end this taboo!
March 8, 2021
Gursimran Sharma
Love this revolution... and I do feel free to talk about periods.
March 8, 2021
Caden page
Bodies are beautiful!
March 8, 2021
Andrea Malagon
Periods and depression are two things I shouldn't be ashamed about. My health matters to me so I should so I should not only take care of myself but also open up.
March 8, 2021
Vrinda Pahwa
Every girl has to face periods. Nobody has the right to stop a girl going to bathroom. DONT ATTACH STIGMA. Happy women's day!
March 8, 2021
Mahima Chaudhary
Let's stop cycle stigma. PERIOD
March 8, 2021
Melissa Berton
Periods signal STRENGTH, not shame! I am proud to Stop the Stigma with The Pad Project and menstrual justice advocates around the world!
March 8, 2021
Period to period stereotypes!
March 8, 2021
Carly Gatto
March 8, 2021
Ruby Schiff
Destigmatizing periods opens up opportunities for women and girls worldwide to meet their highest potential!
March 8, 2021
Regina Perdomo
End. Period. Stigma.
March 8, 2021
Dana Marlowe
It takes a large scale collective effort to enact social change, and we couldn’t be prouder to stand along side The Pad Project and countless others to break menstrual taboos and raise social consciousness about period poverty.
March 8, 2021
Alex Fletcher
The only messaging I want to see around periods is that of solidarity! Forget shame!
March 8, 2021
Stop the stigma before it stops us. Periodt.
March 8, 2021
No more period shame!
March 8, 2021
Avery Siegel
The stigma STOPS with me!
March 8, 2021
Michelle pesce
I hear you and I pledge to do better. Thank you The Pad Project!
March 8, 2021
We love partnering with the Pad Project to #endperiodstigma - it's so important to have open conversations around periods, menstruation issues, and menopause! Thanks for your advocacy! - I Support the Girls
March 8, 2021
Celebrating IWD with The Pad Project! #endperiodstigma
March 7, 2021
Many of the points on this list I am both confident and privileged enough to do already, but I'm very aware that many women around the world do not feel safe to do so - I stand with those women.
March 7, 2021
The stigma stops with me!!!!!
March 6, 2021
Proud of our amazing team for putting this together!
March 5, 2021
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The Pad Project is a global nonprofit that expands access to menstrual care products, combats period stigma, and champions menstrual equity for all.





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